5 tips to improve your email marketing subject lines

  1. Keep your email subjects short

Short subject lines will generally perform better, especially on a mobile, as longer subjects will get cut off due to the character limit. Keep email subject lines as short and snappy as possible. If you do need to have a longer subject, make sure you put your key messages at the start so they will be visible on a mobile. Send yourself a copy of your email before you send it out to make sure that the subject is readable and makes sense across desktop and mobile.

2. A/B test your subjects

Make sure you A/B test your email subjects so you can then learn what works (and what doesn't) for your business. There are many things you can test, including subject length, message, call to action, etc. Every business and industry is different and what works for one business may not work for yours. This is why testing is so important. Most ESPs will allow you to easily set up split tests with little effort. Repeated A/B testing can help to increase engagement and boost open rates over time!

3. Utilise the pre-header text

This is the text that shows underneath the subject on a mobile. The pre-header text can be used as an extension of your subject line and is a great place to put key messages that you may not have been able to fit into your subject. Utilising the pre-header text can boost open rates as it gives the recipient more information about the email. It’s definitely worth testing using this in your own email campaigns.

4. Make it personal

Personalisation is crucial for email marketing engagement. If you can, personalise the subject for each recipient. Including personalisation such as name, location, job title or past purchase for example in the subject line can help to boost open rates, as it makes it more relevant to the receiver. Be sure to include this as a test when A/B testing!

5. Ask a question

Asking a question in your subject can help to generate curiosity and boost open rates. Again, this is something else that can be tested! For example you could ask questions like: Would you like to learn more about xxx?

I hope this post was helpful! Follow me on Instagram, or subscribe to my new YouTube channel for digital marketing tips and tricks. If you’d like to learn more about email marketing, I have an email marketing course over on Skillshare which you can take for free using my link above.

Happy learning!


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